This is awesome and Wow! Can I come shopping with you? What a deal! Is this a local market run by gringos and the veggies grown by locals? How do the prices compare to the market from last week?
Just curious.
I hope you use a strategy and bring lots of people with you to get all your food in three minutes! :)
What a great time you must have scouring the awesome markets there! Thank you so much for sharing your life in Panama with us. Have a great weekend and go organic! Upped and steemed
Do they charge extra for the bugs? ;)
The food is grown by locals as far as I know, brought down on a truck and then the gringos lay it all out. We give a $.50 a week required donation to the church for allowing us to go there. I usually have my 5 kids with me. I don't know if that's a help or a hindrance most of the time. The older two can help me grab carrots and potatoes while I look at the other stuff. Last week, all the kids grabbed carrots. We had something like 20 of them...some of which we had to put back!! :) I hear there is a fruit market. I need to see if I can find it. The prices at this market are the lowest of all that I have seen. I wonder if they would be even cheaper if I went to the source! I bet so! The bugs are included free of charge. ;) If I don't clean the veggies soon enough, they'll chomp through and ruin some of them. Ah, the joys of living in Panama.
Indeed! With perks like that, how can anyone complain about lack of protein? Have a fabulous weekend!