One thing worth considering. MOST celebrities will not have time to engage on steemit to a large degree. They will likely tend to focus the most on where most of their income comes from. Yet our goal should be to inclusive, not attack people due to them not posting/acting the way we want... Just with hold your vote. You guys are powerful enough that your up votes can be very motivational.
Yet negative news tends to spread faster than positive news. It is not likely to be good for the platform to attack people with audiences outside of steemit so instead of them saying positive things they start saying negative things.
Until recently this person being attacked was BUYING steem and powering up. They are now powering down. I don't know if that is due to the hard fork, or finally throwing in the towel to the attacks... no clue.
Yet we also have people that buy STEEM, power up and don't do a damn thing on the platform. They are hard for you to attack because they don't post anything to attack.
People like you can be very motivational. It is appreciated and that ripples, yet the negative ripples can reverse the impact that a lot of positive ripples may have had. People seem to soak up bad news, and only half ass pay attention to good news.