Greg Hunter interviews Wayne Jett, U.S. Federal Reserve expert and author of “The Fruits of Graft: Great Depressions Then and Now”, about the economy, interest rates, sound currency, and markets.
- (01:18) What do you think the U.S. Federal Reserve's response to this crisis is going to be?;
- (08:47) Is this deliberately being done?;
- (10:18) What are the effects going to be for the man on the street?;
- (14:42) Could people lose all their money in the bank?;
- (15:56) What do you think the U.S. Federal Reserve is going to do today?;
- (17:19) When do you think their will be sound currency?;
- (19:42) What is going to happen to in the near term?;
- (21:31) Is inflation coming?;
- (24:18) Is there going to be rough sailing ahead?;
- And more...
31 minute video by Greg Hunter published 25 February 2020
Link Associated with this Interview
China Virus Accelerating End Stage of Fiat Currency Disease – Wayne Jett
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Thank you very much for the information from GREG HUNTER, have a nice day
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thank you for reviewing the news with GREG HUNTER
Assertions... one after another and in the end nothing happens perhaps for this reason most of the masses ignore them.
Afirmaciones… unas tras otras y al final no pasa nada quizás por esta razón la mayor parte de las masas hacen caso omiso a ellas.
Well, the longer this goes on, the uglier it gets. This year 2020 will be the definitive year for the total initiation of cryptomontages...
Vaya sin dudas esto entre más dure más feo se pondrá. Este año 2020 será definitivo para el inicio total de las criptomonedas…
It's complicated because many people and countries want the dollar but not its current president. If he manages to implement his currency how well received it would be.
Es algo complicado ya que muchas personas y países quieren al Dólar pero no a su actual presidente. Si logra implementar su moneda que tan bien recibida seria esta.
Hello @etcmike. Maybe the Fed has some hidden agenda that they haven't mentioned so they keep rolling in the cheap money...
Hola @etcmike. Quizás la Fed tenga algunos planes ocultos que no han mencionado por esa razón siguen dándole rollo al dinero barato…
We'll have to wait and see what trick the Feds have up their sleeves...
Tendremos que esperar a ver que truco tienen bajo la manga los de la reserva federal…
Thanks for sharing Greg hunter new interview episode.
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