Let's talk about... What makes you calm down?

in #mountains6 years ago

The Alps. An immense chain of high, beautiful, impressive giants. I love to go hiking in these mountains as it allows me to calm down and to think about what really matters.

Standing close to these giants I realize how small and vulnerable we all are and how brief our appearance here on earth really is. Time is a thief and if we don't treat it with respect and care we might wake up one day and realize how much of it we already lost.

Therefore, the message is simple: Time is limited. Use it as efficient and intelligent as possible. Spend time with your friends and family! Laugh with them and treat them with respect. There shouldn't be time for big or small conflics. With every stressful situation we collect, our expected lifetime gets reduced by some seconds.

Act kindly and respectfully and good things will happen.

