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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago (edited)

What really is happiness?

Is it a wardrobe filled with the latest designer clothing? Is it driving the latest car, being in the best school,...? If all of the above is happiness, what happens when those things leave us or another design comes up? It means we've lost a chance to be happy.

Life is full of bunch of insatiable desires. The answer to one need is the beginning of a new one . For instance I say, I'll be happy if I have a phone. Now I get a phone and I'm happy. My joy is soon cut short with the realization that I can't connect with people even though I have a phone because I lack credit for calls and data to internet. So, you see, I was wrong at the beginning to think that a phone on it's own was enough to make me happy.

Some persons say, I'll be happy when I lose weight, I'll be happy when I get a job, when I get married..

Happy people focus on what they have. Unhappy people focus on what is missing or lacking in their lives.

You think you will be happy when you make more money, marry your best friend, move to a new city, spend every weekend at the beach, hang out often with friends, the list is just endless. You won't be happy if you allow your circumstances to determine your emotional state.

Happiness is a choice, a deliberate decision irrespective of where I find myself to be content. Happiness is your responsibility, an inside job. Don't give someone else so much control over your life . If you aren't happy single, you won't be happy taken. Happiness comes from within and not from a relationship.

Be happy with yourself, with the little you've achieved all by yourself, be happy thinking about the progress you've are in just a short while, be happy that even though the monthly income is small, some people don't get that much in a whole year. We can truly become happy when we magnify what we truly have and are grateful for it.

We cannot have all we actually want in life, when and how we want them but we can choose to be content where we are while aiming for something higher. When you understand this principle, this is the beginning of your journey to freedom. Freedom from being slave to things and people as your source of happiness.