
Happiness is relative term. 

Happiness is referred as a positive state of mind or pleasant emotions or mood.

With time or occurrence of some events, the state of mind also changes. So we can’t say that a person is happy forever or unhappy forever. 

As for as I’m concerned I find happiness in small moments of life like:- 

A giggle on the face for my child makes me happy.

Accomplishing some goal can make me happy.

Helping others and seeing a smile on someone face.

A small family event makes me happy.

Seeing little achievements of my child.

To me happiness is all around us. It’s up to us to find them and make our life happy. 

Yeah I also believe that, given us having many needs and desires.

Also I believe that the happiness will only start depending on your expectations.

We can really be happy if we get the word ***contentment***

A person might be unhappy with the things they have, but the truth is they are not only contented to what they have. Others might as well be contented even getting half of the things that person is having

So basically happiness really depends on a persons expectations, on his/her contentment in life

You can't be happy unless you're happy with yourself. Secondly, you have to find your desires, that you really like or want. If you like food then eat food, if you like movies then watch movie, if you want a company then find someone, atc. atc.. Actually, even there's no exact definition of happiness itself, so someone can imagine how hard to find a exact way to find happiness. I think, money can make happy almost everyone. Without money you can't do anything, so, before you search happiness you've to find enough money.

Ok :) got that I definitely will take note of that :)

Thank you for the advice


Good question!

We can find happiness in those things which you like to do most in your spare time just like playing, watching movie, or enjoying with friends. Some people find difficulties to find happiness.

Actually, it is our mindset that any good thing which feels you special, we think its happiness. But if we see all around we can find happiness everywhere.

We can find happiness in the nature and our surrounding. I'm going to share some steps by which you can achieve happiness in your life.

* Meditate.

* Chant silently.

* Listen to your inner child.

* Be true to yourself.

* Take care of your needs.

* Learn to breathe. ...

* Be patient with yourself.

Hope this will help to to take right decisions! I really enjoyed a lot in writing this answer.🤗💚💙

Thank you so much!

People often say they want to be happy. But what exactly does happiness mean and where to find it? The desire to be happy often does not materialize because someone only expects happiness without ever knowing the meaning and the way to get it. Some people said if you want to be happy you have to go to college, have lots of money, marry a beautiful wife, have funny children, and other things.

First of all someone needs to define happiness according to himself. Some say happy is when accompanied by a loved one. The rest argue that they will be happy if they have abundant material. Then what if one day the loved one dies or property suddenly runs out, can't he enjoy happiness again? That is, if a measure of happiness is attached to property then one will never be happy because the material can change and disappear at any time. Moreover, human beings who are basically never satisfied with the amount of their wealth so that the devotion of the material will cause it to want again and again. Likewise, if we depend on happiness for others then later when he leaves, we will be destroyed and feel unable to enjoy happiness again.

Then where can I find happiness? The poor people think that pleasure lies in wealth. The sick think happiness can be obtained if it is healthy. People who don't go to school judge happiness as high education. Ordinary people think happiness equals fame. Singles assume happiness comes when you have a lover. There are those who suspect that they can be happily searched by shopping, karoke together, or eating chocolate. With shopping, maybe we can get happy for a moment, but after shopping, why does happiness suddenly disappear? There are still many assumptions about happiness that look so delicious that everyone tries to chase after it in search of happiness.

Someone who is looking for happiness will never find it because happiness is created not found. That is, happiness does not need to be sought or pursued. Happiness is not because of someone near us or about something we have. Happiness is a condition created in a person's heart and mind. This is why someone who is looking for happiness always goes home empty-handed because happiness is within himself.

Happiness does not need to be searched far because it can actually be found in our hearts. Happiness is not determined by others or the material we have but happiness is determined by the human being itself. The only problem is whether he wants to choose happiness or not ?! The level of happiness is directly proportional to a heart full of gratitude for being grateful for the sensation of amazing pleasure. On the contrary, being grateful and complaining only causes distress because of the burden of negative thoughts that squeeze.

Gratitude seems easy when conditions are fine. Then could it be possible for someone to be grateful and happy if the conditions are so apprehensive like facing a problem, lying sick, not passing an exam, or being left behind by a boyfriend? Isn't it natural that someone will complain and be unhappy when they are in trouble? Be grateful not only for positive conditions but also negative because someone who views life's problems as a burden will find it difficult to feel happiness. One can still be grateful as long as you can think that behind every problem there must be good things that can be learned and make it more mature.

Be thankful even though you are sick because weak lying conditions make us more able to appreciate health. Instead of being annoyed to be met with the most annoying person in the world it's better to be grateful because at least he teaches us about the characters that must be avoided. Grateful for causing enthusiasm and perseverance in solving problems so that it is more likely to get promotion. Rather than condemning a salary that is still too small it is better to be grateful because it can lead to sincerity and totality in the work as a result of being able to get greater trust and income compensation.

Complaining does not solve the problem, only brings more unwanted situations. While grateful can bring more dreamed conditions. Over time we will get used to being grateful in every situation. Our happiness is stable and does not go up and down depending on the good and bad conditions. In fact our lives are happy but no gratitude makes us miserable. Stay grateful in every situation then we will be happy. Happiness is not everything, but everything does not mean without happiness in the heart.

Be thankful for what is because Life is a gift and keep run this life and do best.

You can't find happiness. 

You have to make your own happiness.

Learn to take life slower. Learn to enjoy things like the smell of a flower,  and feel of the breath of wind on your face.

Happiness is something that comes from within. 

We just have to allow ourselves to break away from the frustrations of everyday life,  and enjoy the simple things.

What really is happiness?

Is it a wardrobe filled with the latest designer clothing? Is it driving the latest car, being in the best school,...? If all of the above is happiness, what happens when those things leave us or another design comes up? It means we've lost a chance to be happy.

Life is full of bunch of insatiable desires. The answer to one need is the beginning of a new one . For instance I say, I'll be happy if I have a phone. Now I get a phone and I'm happy. My joy is soon cut short with the realization that I can't connect with people even though I have a phone because I lack credit for calls and data to internet. So, you see, I was wrong at the beginning to think that a phone on it's own was enough to make me happy.

Some persons say, I'll be happy when I lose weight, I'll be happy when I get a job, when I get married..

Happy people focus on what they have. Unhappy people focus on what is missing or lacking in their lives.

You think you will be happy when you make more money, marry your best friend, move to a new city, spend every weekend at the beach, hang out often with friends, the list is just endless. You won't be happy if you allow your circumstances to determine your emotional state.

Happiness is a choice, a deliberate decision irrespective of where I find myself to be content. Happiness is your responsibility, an inside job. Don't give someone else so much control over your life . If you aren't happy single, you won't be happy taken. Happiness comes from within and not from a relationship.

Be happy with yourself, with the little you've achieved all by yourself, be happy thinking about the progress you've are in just a short while, be happy that even though the monthly income is small, some people don't get that much in a whole year. We can truly become happy when we magnify what we truly have and are grateful for it.

We cannot have all we actually want in life, when and how we want them but we can choose to be content where we are while aiming for something higher. When you understand this principle, this is the beginning of your journey to freedom. Freedom from being slave to things and people as your source of happiness.


4 Ways to Find Happiness

One of them is by giving more than receiving.

The key to happiness is actually in yourself. How well we understand to protect ourselves and live the life we ​​want.

1. Make a meaningful life

A study shows that the happiest people are those who seek a meaning for life just for pleasure. When we live a meaningful life for ourselves, we will feel more satisfied and happy.

2. Generous

A study shows that a person feels happier when giving more than receiving. Generosity that is embedded in the self causes a sense of calm and a happier life.

3. Mastering yourself

The key to happiness is how we can control ourselves in various situations. We must be prepared to handle all the difficulties that arise in life. That way, we become tough individuals who do not fear facing anything.

4. Useful for others

Happiness is when our lives are useful for people around and for the wider community. As Howard Thurman says, "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then do what you have to do. Because what the world needs are people who have come to live"