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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Happiness is relative term. 

Happiness is referred as a positive state of mind or pleasant emotions or mood.

With time or occurrence of some events, the state of mind also changes. So we can’t say that a person is happy forever or unhappy forever. 

As for as I’m concerned I find happiness in small moments of life like:- 

A giggle on the face for my child makes me happy.

Accomplishing some goal can make me happy.

Helping others and seeing a smile on someone face.

A small family event makes me happy.

Seeing little achievements of my child.

To me happiness is all around us. It’s up to us to find them and make our life happy. 


Yeah I also believe that, given us having many needs and desires.

Also I believe that the happiness will only start depending on your expectations.

We can really be happy if we get the word ***contentment***

A person might be unhappy with the things they have, but the truth is they are not only contented to what they have. Others might as well be contented even getting half of the things that person is having

So basically happiness really depends on a persons expectations, on his/her contentment in life