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RE: Fox Interrupts Immigrant Bashing to Report Anti-Immigrant Shooting

in #news6 years ago

well first off yes you do hate the press. And you seek Asylum some shutdown any free press Outlets that would dare criticize your party. From Fox News to Breitbart to Infowars to oan to GT GP to the nypost and all the other hundreds of outlets that you have tried to silence

say yes. You do hate the Free Press. You only support a handful of democrat Outlets that all coincidentally Raclette colluding with Hillary

But I agree with condemning propaganda Outlets that has clear bias against certain demographics.

Such as the propaganda Outlet known as CNN. Richard going to fact Checker is hardly ever tells the truth. And it's clear bias against whitee people

now on the right you won't really find any even the slightest strain of racism. They believe all races are equal and we don't support racism against anybody. But on the left you'll find that they routinely support racism

For example the image uploaded

or when CNN's Don Lemon said that all whitee people were terrorists

Or the racist dog whistles calling the president Orange"

For the other countless examples of blatant racism Democrat propaganda Outlets like CNN The Washington Post and New York Times Huffington Post sync progress the root theintercept

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