It seems the 'faith healer' John of God popularized by Oprah Winfrey has been selling babies to cash customers. Allegations of running slave labor 'baby farms' have been made by hundreds of women, that include forced labor in mines, and people verifying purchasing children for $40k. The accusations follow his arrest on several charges of sex abuse, and mining 'accidents' that have killed hundreds - of potential witnesses. The closer one looks at this story, the more terrible it is.
Links to famous people aren't limited to Oprah herself, but Marina Abramovich and Bill Clinton, who is claimed to be one of the 'clients' of the services provided.
Apparently, the woman who broke this story has recently committed 'suicide', and her family claims she was murdered.
I've done but little research into this story, but am also limited because of my inability to speak Portuguese (the events are taking place mostly in Brazil). If anyone can provide additional links to sources in English, or provide translations, I'd appreciate it. I am mostly reporting rumors here, due to my language barrier and bandwidth issues. However, the allegations seem consistent with what I have verified, and are provided with suitable caveats.
In recent decades massive pedator rings have been revealed in news - marked by blatant coverups and concealment of evidence - revolving around global networks involving chiefs of state, high level politicians and celebrities, and collusion with law enforcement and the media. Thousands of convictions around the globe have resulted in revelations of the most depraved crimes imaginable, and the fall from grace of once elite leaders of every party and affiliation.
Do your own research, but only if you have a cast-iron stomach. This crap is vile, and, from Epstein to Hastert, from DuTroux to Ray Cohn, Franklin to Estonia, the accused are linked to brownstone operations extorting public figures for political control. Hi CIA!
And... selling babies is illegal in The US... of course, so we now have last moment in-vaginal abortions.
So, there is a demand, so there will come a supply.
No white market, there will a black market.
And black markets don't do anything by regulations.
Reality is much darker than people would accept in hollywood movies.
Further, people expect people to be "evil", but most of the people involved are just uncaring. Its just a transaction. One baby delivered, cash retrieved.
I hope I am not wrong that the post-birth abortions were not passed by the VA legislature.
As for the rest, I only wish you were wrong about any of it.
There is no such thing as a "post-birth" abortion. If you mean "late term," that's like, when they discover that the baby is already dead in utero, or something like that. The stories from parents who WANTED their baby only to find out it was dead or dying or whatever the particular situation was are heartbreaking. It's purely medical at that point - either for the baby or the mother or both. Nobody having an abortion for other reasons is waiting until that late to have one.
I wish you were right.
But, you're not.
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
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Once you begin seeing what is going on, you notice the same folks names popping up again and again. There is a major trafficking operation going on at the southern border of the United States, and with all the internet scrubbing, prosecution from high level government, contracts to set up aid for the traffickers, etc, it is clear that the masses are indeed little more than cattle to be used for profits and whatever sick sexual fantasies these self elected farmers of men have.
But the average person seems to care little as long as they can smoke their weed, watch their Kartrashians or local sports team while drinking alcohol.
The bluepill is easy to wash down with copious beer; to forget about while lusting after thots, and let Ambien banish from your dreams.
practicalthought makes his living shilling fake human trafficking stories though
I would pay to see the eyes opened of the vast majority of citizens that just live in their little bubble. I think I would gain a certain sick satisfaction from watching the willfully ignorant collapse in on themselves like a dying star when they realized how the world actually operates.
But then I realize that my anger and frustration is quite misplaced.
We oven riot at the wrong targets.
I suppose it's not fair to get mad at people who are tricked by a system that is specifically designed to fool them. This is a numbers game, and a certain percentage of people will always fall for it. The blue pill is a popular option.
Bob Marley says, "You can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time."
Mass hypnosis and symbolic suggestion are extremely powerful forms of mind control, so people aren't exactly "falling for it." It's more like they're being dragged into it from birth through portals in the depths of their unconscious minds and brainwashed without consciously realizing it. It really takes a lot to free yourself from the grip of this programming and find your way out.
I also find it difficult to relate to folks that are unwilling to know facts - particularly as a parent, and those facts involving massive child trafficking scandals. However, I have come to know some folks whose own pasts feature such terrible trauma that, in their cases, I can sympathize with their inability to do so without triggering existential PTSD.
I don't think most folks willfully ignorant have this reasonable excuse.
I course this made the rounds on Super Bowl Sunday.
So I shared an article from the New York Times about his arrest on my FB on 19 December, and just went to get it for you - and it says the article is no longer available on NYT. ...
Anyway, it didn't mention child labor or trafficking, but it did mention sexual abuse.
Here was my original comment:
"Honestly? Not surprised. He smelled of scam artist.
Did you ever hear Wayne Dyer talk about his healing experience? He said JofG healed his cancer. He "took special herbs" and reported that the next day he was all awash with love and his kids said his pupils were like saucers. Um, yeah Wayne, you did drugs. You were high, dude. He felt better, but he had stopped his conventional cancer treatments (which we know can make you feel like shit, so of course he felt better). Then he died in a few years. Ya know, because he had cancer (though none of the reports said he died of cancer that I saw, he got a diagnosis he was very public about and then died in a few years. He wasn't hit by a bus).
So yeah, color me unsurprised that such a scam artist would also be an abuser of this sort."
Oprah is satanic...
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I have no specific evidence of that, but she certainly has kept bad company. Not surprising, considering her industry, her roots, and her wealth.
And now the baby killers are feeding the dead babies to these elitist ghouls?
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That seems to have always been the case, if not the motive.