Your asses. Just sayin'...
I keep digging deeper into this shitpile, pulling on the threads that dangle, and keep connecting to other crimes, criminals, and events we should have pulled out torches and pitchforks to deal with already.
Aaron Schwartz probably died to hide these crimes. He seems to have been someone that could not be corrupted, and was smart enough to cause trouble once he found out. So the corrupt spooks using extortion to control our politicians conspired with MIT and Joi Ito to bring false charges carrying a century of prison time against him.
Fuck those evil bastards.
Yeah I know my spelling and grammar are atrocious. It's a dyslexia thing. Thank you as always for looking at what I'm posting. Also thanks for the links! I fixed the you're to your. thanx for letting me know.
Nice, no problem. I am always on the lookout for one. I’ll edit my comment since the issue is closed! Upvoted!