Hey, ho whatsa wrong witha the pudding skin?
Bella, justa likea Mama used to a makea, eh!?
I likea the humana angels things Lyndsay......
You are a good,
You are a nice,
You are a special,
You are a late witha the money you owea me and I will breaka you fuckin legs ifa you don’t paya fat Tony whadda you owe when he comea round later!
Dida I do ita right?
Don Poltryoni - Chicketta Crime Family Boss & Humanitarian.
Omg that made me puke in my mouth! AHHHH!!!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooo~~~~~~~~ Not the pudding skin!!!!!!!!!! Literally retching here .....AHAHAHAAHA!!! How could you do that to me!!!!!!!!!