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RE: Before Hitting A Defenseless Player Was illegal

Weird how things work out! Goes to show ya how the memories is all we leave behind in this world. I mean go figure that such a kind gesture stemming from a bad situation ended up being lost to the universe in a weird circling of events like the football in question was doomed to be taken like a Raider would do!

That Toilet seat lid is cracking me up! I never liked Raider fans as a whole and feel this toilet seat lid sums up the group of fans and team! Although some Raider fans are cool just not all. Fitting they ended up in Vegas, one of the rudest and disrespectful communities out there especially now with all the murders there!

Glad you still have the signed cards tho! You got to meet Dan Reeves and some really cool talented players as well! Times were different in the 80s for sure. Good luck doing that today! Well actually the Raiders are doing stuff like this for the Las Vegas community but not at games where security is much tighter!


You know that first paragraph is poetic right?

Funny huh? That was my place in Long Beach where everyone's a raider fan. I got a lot of good feedback on it... What I mean is, the reaction was always one of three things: confused, hilarious or furious.

Darren and his dad really made an impression on me. I wonder if he remembers the story? Unlikely. Something that special for me is probably something he forgot. Not his dad, though, no way.

Appreciate you stopping by. Even if I get your attention like air traffic control. 👊🏼

Well no man. I am not getting attention. Today was weird and even my home's internet was shut off. The roomie had forgot to pay it basically. So one my phone. I am on Hive but yeah just weird day. Hard for me to concentrate here. I need two meditate. My mind is manifesting cool stuff but in real life. What I think about is manifested. Dreaming again. Not smoking cannabis is doing interesting things...

Enough of me... Dude that is so crazy how you met Dan Reeves and saw the good side of the NFL! You have had quite the exciting journey in life. Even people who are violent to each other as a job still care and have time for young ones.

Its beautiful how small acts of kindness can change a person's life in such an impactful way. Those superbowls with Elway and Terrel Davis was fun to watch but I cant imagine how that was for you!

You mean the 1997 and 1998 back to back Super Bowl victories where Terrel Davis single handedly developed a run game in Denver that still exists to this day?

Nah... never heard of it.

Did you say you stopped smoking cannabis? I wouldn't be surprised if that's why your internet is broke.

Yeah, Those Superbowls were really fun to watch! Are they still Saluting out there? I also stopped watching all sports myself probably around 2015 or so for the NFL and 2018 for NBA. Watching rigged games gets old...

Living in the Bay Area I got into Giants Baseball and Niners Football from 2008-2018ish. Am radio and Baseball never made so much sense while on the porch.

You know I met Chad Lewis, The Philly TE, as a child in the the 90s. The Mormon church was trying to convert me as a kid and he came to my house and gave my family signed photos of himself. I was a bit disrespectful but oh well, nothing like a Choose the Right autograph to turn ya off as a young kid not into organized religion and who just wanted to play football.

The Raiders came to Vegas a couple of years ago and did cool things for the community but it seemed forced in ways. Still cool the things that they did for the community out there. It is unfortunate the new breed of players and how disrespectful they are, you know the whole driving drunk and killing people or getting away with hit and runs thing kinda over shadows any community efforts made by the team. There was much more class in the 80s and 90s from the pros and society as a whole back then, especially with those Broncos. It is no surprise you had such an experience with the Broncos in general, they were the team that signed Tebow after all. Memories in the corner of my mind...

Yeah, cannabis and I have a long running relationship, 20 years, that was so beneficial but now I do not think we live in a time where I can be stoned. Already my dreams are lucid again, I am thinking of whatever and it manifests itself and yeah seems like my brain is more impactful than the internet could ever be. Probably helps not having a physically/mentally stressful job and living in a town that is not so artificial.

I enjoy being where you're at just as much as I enjoy being where I'm at. It comes and goes. And I know you know what I mean.