Hello.... Hi...... How are you guys and girls??
"Life is your canvas, Paint it as you wish"
This line is true for most of the time. Because the success and happiness depends a lot on hardwork and struggle but as we know that we can't neglect the luck and fate. Due to this life is unpredictable. Sometimes we have no power over things. But don't be sad we can take a real canvas and paint our dreams. OH YAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! so friends don't take stress and continue living in the amazing world of fantasy.It will make you happy. Painting as you want is such a relaxing activity. YOU have no restrictions. Yesssss!!!
"I dream my painting and then I paint my dream."
Nature fascinates me a lot. It has a moral of hope. In Autumn season all the leaves become yellow brown and shed like the rain with the cold breeze. Everything seems to be dead. but after some time there will be new baby leaves and greenery everywhere. Here is a point to ponder that only that branch which remains attach with the main tree will be in full bloom in the upcoming season. That's why we should stick to our plans for a long time until we succeed.
It takes around 2 days of mine to complete my painting, my imagination, my thoughts. I was so lost in it that I even forgot to eat meal. I mix lots of colors, to make the perfect shades. At first I thought that I can't do it properly and someone said that It is very difficult for you. But It is my canvas, my painting, I can do whatever I want so I did it and prove them wrong. Hope you like it.It is my first painting.
"Painting is a silent poetry"