I haven't felt horrible for awhile. I still feel uneasy, and sometimes sad, but honestly overall I am doing better I think. I may have a bad day here and there but I think I'm improving pretty quickly now.
I am lucky to have my family. I'm lucky to have Hive, I'm lucky that nice people have been helping me use Ebay and flea markets to learn more about business in general.
I wake up feeling pretty motivated instead of drained.
Hive is amazing it really is, I love blogging and just sharing whatever I feel like. Essentially I can make money being and doing exactly what I want. There is always someone who will relate to you out there, value is in the eye of the beholder.
I am enjoying Brofund a lot. I think it seems to have solid leadership as far as I can tell, and the results of investing into it have been solid! I definitely want to buy a lot more. I have invested in SPinvest, but my returns have like never come, I have no idea what that's about I think I may just buy some Brocoins with it soon because I fail to see the appeal so far.
But anyway, with my blogging, curation, Hive-engine tokens and Brocoin, life has been feeling good and hopeful.
Honestly another thing that has helped me greatly is learning about Christianity and I guess religion in general. I was definitely loosely raised as a Christian. My mother took me to church a handful of times, much of my family and influential grandparents have always been religious and church goers for the most part.
This breakup had me more lost than ever, but honestly I have been lost for a very long time. I had zero direction. I have dealt with depression for entirely too long and then one day I clicked on what I thought was a political video and it was. But little did I know the video also was quite religious. The man debates many different people from different walks of life. He often debates intellectuals and progressives too. Surprisingly the religious man completely held his own in my opinion. It was super impressive.
Opinions are of course different in everyone and perhaps I am biased, I don't know. But at the end of the day the fact that I agree with the religious man, says a lot in my opinion. I really do think like a religious man in many ways.
Whats funny about religion for me so far as I learn more about it is, I always kind of felt like I believed in god. Whenever I thought or said otherwise I always felt like I was kidding myself. If I was being honest.
I learned a few years ago that human skulls have not changed much in the last 100,000 years so I mean how different really was their brain capacity and ability compared to ours today?
When I read the first few pages of the bible, I realize it really is a very good and well written book too. It's rather surprisingly impressive.
Combined with the bible and learning from this man on youtube speak, I start to realize how honest and true and crucial Christianity has been for society.
I really feel like a lot of the hate that Christianity gets is simply from people who don't enjoy facing the truth.
I really think that for my son's sake I want him to have a good relationship with God. I don't want him to be a lost directionless man like I was for so long. I'm not saying I'm all of a sudden a completely new and changed man, but I definitely am starting to understand that religion is not in anyway some pointless thing. I believe it is unwise to think that. Especially as I learn more.