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RE: A woman from the Philippines explaines why she is against the killing without trial of drug users and why so many take drugs in the country

in #philippines7 years ago

I understand the importance placed on the human rights of suspects- potential killers or drug pushers or rapists, as they may potentially be innocent as well.

Had I attended Steemfest2 and if the discussion came to wether or not I support the ways of the current president, I would say that I do too. And I'm also a woman.

Why? Because for the better part of my life I've seen wrongdoers thrive in the country, with arrogance if I may add, because of the lack of action from those in position. The justice system is, from where I'm standing, hugely flawed that money, especially dirty money- fixes everything.

Most of the time, if you hear a crime was committed against a fellowman, then one wouldn't really have high hopes that the court case will progress.

All one can do is feel sorry for the victim and their family.

I do not say that I'm 100% behind the every action of our current president, but I'd say if given a chance to re-elect him, I would. Because at least now the bad people have something to be scared of. And someone they know they should watch out for.

The ideal scenario of course is have a solid justice system. To achieve this, I think we are at a point where drastic measures need to be imposed.

End justifies the means? Maybe. But for now, am happy that the country is moving forward.