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RE: The cost of a lack of community

in #philosophy7 years ago

I agree with you in that our lack of community is distressing to humans as individuals since we are a herd species, but the tribal analogy you use here is needlessly complicated and reflects the psychopathic culture of modern society. True tribal culture is beautiful in its simplicity.

The net maker of the tribe made nets for the tribe, not himself, as did the spear maker, the potter, the tanner, the weaver, etc. They didn't own their wares or trade them. The products of their efforts belonged to the tribe. The hunter went out and shot a deer. He didn't come back and trade hunks of deer for what he needed. He gave the deer to the cooks and everyone in the tribe feasted. Everything the hunter needed was available to him through his tribe.

People followed their callings in their contribution to the tribe. Hunters didn't necessarily make pots, but they could if they wanted to. The medicine man didn't plant corn, but always had corn to eat because he was a member of the tribe.

To exhibit self-interest above and beyond the needs of the tribe was handled at the level of the culture. Children were shamed when selfishness arose. Lying was not a problem since telling an untruth was inconceivable and illogical. Your possessions were limited to what you could carry. If you set "your" basket down that meant you were done with it and it was available for another tribe member to use. When you needed a basket, you looked around until you found one that wasn't being used. If there weren't enough you went to the basket maker and informed her and she began the process of making another one.

Tribal leaders did not seek positions of power but were pushed into them by the tribe because of their proven wisdom in dealing with disputes. It was a position of honor, not of power.

Psychopaths now inhabit positions of power in finance, government, corporations, education, media and in all and every control structure. They promote policies that increase their power and control to assuage their irrational fears of scarcity. That is the very basis of civilization itself. It's hierarchical and psychopathic.

While the spirit of community is a far better solution to top-down centralized government, it is a poor substitute for true tribal solidarity.

When the granary is filled with so many rats that the stored grain becomes inedible, it's time to burn the granary to the ground and rebuild anew. Anything else is half-assed and is no solution at all. IMHO


Yes, I was about to message something along these lines to @soo.chong163 and I know that the analogy I used was not great but, I wanted to connect it to what is happening a little now. I will get back to this later I think when i have some more time.

While the spirit of community is a far better solution to top-down centralized government, it is a poor substitute for true tribal solidarity.

Agreed, but the tribal system is bound by its size and that is not going to cut it in this day and age which is why places like Steemit should be working toward a hybrid system where small communities can flourish and add to the flourishing of the larger whole also. Not an easy task when each group thinks it is more important than the next.

I know and appreciate what you're trying to do on Steemit and the problems that the platform faces, that's why I want you to look at this writing on the wall from @yallapapi, an obviously good writer who joined only last December. Some of us want Steemit to become something it was never designed to do, apparently. It's quite chilling, a slap in the face really, but it's also a wake-up call for us idealists and a chance to reassess our prime motives for being here. Enjoy.