People are taught to hide themselves from a very early age. This conformity is drilled in then till adolescence and further. Maybe this is why we do not see others, but just a reflection or a partition of whom we look at.
A God or Gods, I believe are different to religion, Tho a God may be used as an ideology of a religion, this does not mean that God is a representative of the religion. Only that as an organized group of people we will personify that God to our belief. Doctrine, is then built up around this belief and a religion is conformed. Or another way to put it, law's have been put in place on the morality of an action.
In today's society, things are more complicated by design. The average person follows two Gods. One is in the teachings they heard about a God as they grew up. The other is in the teachings of what you will need to be, Rich and wealthy.
Society gives conflicting views on the many issues by design in an effort to keep division within society.
The layers of greed and conflicting ideology in society is pretty astounding to think about. I try to just be mindful of my own thoughts and actions, but it took a long time to get there.
One worth discussion. If there is an end goal.