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RE: Walking Away From Self-Destruction

in #philosophy7 years ago

LOL, thanks :) Serpico, as an insider being taken down by my 'compatriots'? Hehe. I've been to the mid 30's as a witness, but that didn't last due to my server having issues. I was the #1 top earner on Steem for a month or so back in the winter of 2017, but I got taken down by some whales who were witnesses... flagged over and over because they didn't like my content, me or who supported me :/ My 15 minutes of fame and success are over ;)


My 15 minutes of fame and success are over ;)

Or grown as those who value principles and strength are drawn to you and the message you have. As to the Serpico comment, guess you have already been there done that, lol.