
Sorry @ace108 .. maybe i was a bit sarcastic and twisting your words. You can see money anyway you like, i am argueing philosophically towards a rational and logic explanation of money. Facilitating a trade is not reduced only to within the concept of money. A lot of things has to be in place before a trade can happen and before money is even "on the table".

But to evaluate on the physical representation of money. Whatever good, we use as a token of money, is the token of money, it is not money, that would be the concept of accounted debt. Anything can IN PRINCIPLE work as physical tokens for money, it is just that goods have different characteristics and thus different degrees of usefulness.

You could make a top 100 of goods in a "useful as money" review, just like a review of like Anti virus softwares where you have like 10 attributes (divisibility, fungibility, portability,..etc)

and then rate them on a scale like the reactivity series ...
then you would get the same thing just with a series for money ... and cryptos would be way ahead of gold. Actually new attributes would be needed that was not even in our minds before the invention