Hello everybody! Today I finally decided to start my blog, I thought for a long time whether it was worth doing this and realized - and why not :)
I will write (and maybe in the future I'll talk in vlog) about what is around me and in the world and inside me for you, guys and also for myself.
I plan to use the Steem only platforms. And to be honest, this platform pushes me to start doing that I really want - to share my art with people :) So much thanks to it and all the people who participated in the creation and those who are now developing the platform, this is all we are& Thank you, guys!
A little bit about myself:
I'm from the small town of Krasnogorovka, it is in the Donetsk region, in Ukraine. Once in 2014, fighting began there, and I had to leave the city. I really miss him.
I am a musician, a sound designer and I adore photography.
It's difficult to write all about me in one post, so I'll do this partial.
The best description of art is art itself, so I invite you to see my photo-work on steepshot
as well as video clips on DTube
or just listen to music at DSound
This shot I made today, this is fog outside my window. I take this photo using lighter and macro mode on my camera. Hope you enjoying this levitating small particle of water. I have some more photos of today's fog, so please let me know if you'd like to see some. Thanks!
Also in the future, there will be many interesting photographs.
Also, you could find me on Instagram or other social networks to find my older works, if you like:
Welcome to this awesome platform can't wait to see your next blog or vlog. =)
Best of luck and more power to you. =)
Thank you so much! My best wishes :)
Nice to meet you and welcome to the patform.Check out my blog if you have time.You have a follow from me
it's your turn
Yep: Great! Thank you!
I want to be you friends,
Follow me...!!!! @milenia
No problem :)