It's easier said than done. Credit cards are like crack and it's a hard habit to kick if you start it. There are certain times when going into debt may be the best option, but being irresponsible (which is incredibly easy to do) is usually the most probable outcome.
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You're right. It takes a mindset shift after thinking about the mechanics of credit and banking for the normal consumer. I don't want to use my credit anymore, even if it means that I do without sometimes or have to wait longer until I have the funds. Usually this delay squashes any impulse buys. I don't touch my investments or savings to make sure I'm not borrowing from my future either.
Taking out a mortgage or buying necessities to get by are vastly different uses than spending credit on bar tabs or excessive clothes. Every dollar not spent with credit is a way to change the tide. The less spent, the more debt can be paid off.