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RE: my super hero ((( Poem Straight From the heart )))

in #poem7 years ago

I promice I would try to do my best. Yes, it's good and helpful to write downn your strong feelings - bad or good. Especially most of us - XXIc people - have problems with expressing their feelings.


great thanks Im sure you'll do great. ya it really helps a lot i just wish i could put everything into one poem it can be hard at times. I can only express mine true text haha :P

Thanks ;) I'm really looking forward for your next text :D

hah oh Great! I'm really sleepy (In Poland is the middle of te night) but I'm going to read it now :-D

in ireland right now its 1:36 at night im going to sleep soon id say😄 😝 thank you it means a lot 😊