You can’t force me to respect you!
Don’t tell me it’s because
Your age,
or race,
or gender,
or religion,
or nation,
or what ever else you think,
That I should respect you.
My respect, is a currency.
It’s a resource so thin,
that I can’t use is on
Every random person,
that demands it.
Respect is earned.
Not demanded.
Respect is earned,
By actions and achievements,
Not demanded by the simple
existence of a person.
Respect is given.
And you can’t force me to respect you.
Image source:Pixabay
The inspiration of this poem was dr. Jordan B. Peterson and his debate with a student over respect and gender. You can see the video below:
true sstefan.It is earned not demanded
wonderful poem
followed @sstefan
This way of thinking has gotten me in trouble my whole life. Lol.
I think it's better to get in trouble than pretend all the time :)