And stared into that blue curvy cloud
Yes, that particular one
It looked heavy though
There was no sign of downpour
Yet, this particular one was about to burst out
Was this downpour of pain or joy?
It reminded me of you
Difficult it looks
Unbelievable it sounds
As I watched you smile
And you exchanged memories
With those that had the ability to remove a heart and fix it back
Right there, I thought it was a dream
There was no way out this time
You said " There's no point wasting it here when I can get a better one somewhere else"
I tried to hold back the salty water
I knew had filled my eyes already
I wasn't ready to visit any stone
Or a place surrounded with people's good and bad memories
The Clock Ticked!
I watched as everyone ran Helter skelter to stop this from happening
I felt my fingers digging deep into my skin
My heart almost popping out
It had happened.
It was real.
Once this cloud I stared at emptied itself
So did others...
They cried heavily.
You were gone!
Cover Image
Lost for actual comments. Lost in between the sad, surprised and satisfied feeling. Rare for a poem to give me this.
Thanks for sharing this
I know that feeling dear 😊. Oh really?... Wow
Thanks for reading too. @winarobert
That's a beautiful photo, is that yours?
Thanks dear. No , it's not my photo @thedreamflow
Following your posts i can't help but wonder. You seem like a romantic one. lets leave it at that for now. Nice post btw