Hello just a short post , I promise . . .
I am simply overwhelmed at how truly pathetic politics has become. Truly modern professional politicians are a greater threat to democracy than all these terrorist groups combined , democracy needs quality debate and you need to vote not for fear or emotion but to support democracy.
The polarizing of America into two camps ; with each of those camps juggling for market-share percentage of voters has taken a world-class Super-Power of the United States and turned it into a international embarrassment on the world stage. It is truly bizarre how these professional politicians have made something great into just a nation called America.
You live in a democracy , thus if you are a Patriot you must vote in November ; it is irrelevant how the system will count your voting or assign your not-voting status. If you believe in a democracy then you must vote , if you cannot find an honest politician to vote for then simply tell your sitting Representative " You're Fired ! ! ! "...
Only by cleaning out Congress of the Professional Politicians will you send a signal to the lobbyists that political appointments cannot be bought so easily. If people give up on democracy what other system will emerge that will encourage society to prosper ; the only realistic answer is true democracy as the only viable proven system ! ! !
The ridiculous things these two Presidential Candidates have said recently strongly show neither is worth the free accommodation at the White House ; in fact a far better candidate might well be . . .
Truly your other choices are far less useful ! ! !
Thank you Pixabay for the imagery : )
Who are you networking with ; )
There is very little if any difference between Trump and Hilliary. They are both Liberal Democrats. (Oddly enough so is Johnson. The Green party is even worse). The fact that Trump is running as a Republican does nothing to change what he is. I have no desire to vote for a Liberal Democrat.
If you vote for something you do NOT believe in, you waste your vote.
Not voting is the same as voting for NONE OF THE ABOVE.
If you are disgusted with the political environment...vote for NOTA.
NOTA vote is simply ignored and even if a candidate gets four votes more than their accomplices then they would win the election and become your Representative.
Simply a NOTA vote is bad , since it achieves no useful purpose ; if enough people voted NOTA then the government would be forced to just continue to have more elections at tax payers expense until some sort of human clear majority winner was found.
The people with the power are not going to simply give it up just because others want them to, after all ; professional politicians have spent years qualifying for the Platinum level of " Working for Welfare payments " . To think these ' THINGS ' will just give up the privileges they have endorsed for themselves is sheer idiocy ! ! !
Did you just say that the elections are a farce?
No the elections are very much real ; but suggesting anything material relating to real life will fundamentally alter for the better is not realistic until the majority get rid of long serving professional politicians.
The French solved the problem of the privileged minority 200 years ago , maybe there are human lessons to learn from history...
But we live in a federal republic, very different from a democracy and not voting is a viable way of saying stuff it. Think local, act local.
There is no fundamental difference between a Federal Republic and Democracy. By this I mean everything is a human expression of the interpretation of what something reads as or something someone says.
People can say its a Republic because it follows a slightly different set of rules than mob rule like pure democracy but in reality every system of government is slightly different than its neighbor because of the individual personalities who vote to create it.
This is why a local State lower court MUST abide by that State's higher Courts ruling , but one State is NOT required to follow any other States legal laws of precedent. Of course every State must follow the US Supreme Court simply so that uniformity instills confidence in people : )
LOL , or at least it USED to ; )
No there is a huge difference between a federal republic and a democracy in my opinion. In the original design most of the power of government was concentrated in the states. That allowed the people in those individual states ready access to their government. The states gave up very few powers to the national government, in fact Art. 1 Section 8 of the Constitution of the USA outlines them specifically. All other powers were reserved to the states themselves. Since the states created the national government and reserved all other powers to themselves they were originally designed to be the more powerful entity.
What has happened, particularly since the beginning of the 20th century is that the central authority has seized more and more power leading to the imbalance we now see. Additionally, the balance of power has shifted from the legislative branch to the executive. Further, the representation to person ratio has gone from 1:20,000 at the time of ratification to 1:750,000. That means that we are no longer a representative republic, a democracy, nor do we have any semblance of even democracy. We are an oligarchy at best and a tyranny at worst.
I should add in the original design it was understood that the check on the SCOTUS was nullification by the individual states. It was used pretty regularly until after the "Civil" War.
I truly would like to read more of what u r suggesting, plz suggest quality places for me to investigate further ; thank you !!!
/ hugz ; )
Tom Woods' book Nullification is the best place to start.
Is the system of representative governing a problem or is it that the developed human society, globally, is run by financial elites, for the benefit of financial elites, victimizing 99% of our species well being and the health of our planetary biosphere for personal profits?
I see the problem more as an economic systems problem than a political one. Money runs our politics so of course those with the most assets controls our society for their own benefit, regardless of the costs to Others. So, we can take money out of politics, break up media and other monopolies, and redistribute the global wealth more fairly and work towards all people having their basic needs met without destroying the ecosystem and nurture creative and innovative solution and productive oriented education that builds on what our species has built instead of destroying it.......... or we can have more of the same lies,misrepresentations and idologically run power hierarchy crap that we have been underwriting for decades....... It's ALL about POWER and PROFIT currently if you just listen to mainstream sensational newsmaking (for profit), but underneath this most noticeable media streams, an alternative human world is building strength below the radar. Whether community permaculture, the makers movement, local currency systems and hundreds of other positive human interactions and network/power building going on, solution oriented dynamic action is occurring everyday. Building on that is the opportunity for all of us. I believe Steemit is part of this alternative systems solution building projects....... Care for humans, care for the planet that's real. Money is an imaginary construction we all agree to for convenience, but it is based on BELIEF not real Value. Banks create money from nothing everyday and we pay them interest on this made up idea.... It's crazy really. If you think about it too much, it drives you to self medicate, so just act in a positive way everyday and try not to let the b@#%$#&'s get you down....
Thanks for the conversation boosting post....... oc
So ; if fiat currency runs the world , what is going to happen to our own little cryptocurrencies : )
Oh I do not expect any real difference after the November election ; but I am optimistic that some of the pig trough feeders may have to consider seeking employment come 2017 ; )
The only thing I can image that would make me happier than an Professional Politician having to find a j-o-b and actually w-o-r-k ; would be if Congress actually repealed income TAX laws ! ! !
. . . And , THAT will happen about 3 weeks after the Aliens LAND . . .
(meaning not anytime soon)...
This a great post and deserves an upvote. STEEMIT hasn't even scratched the surface yet and is an amazing concept. I recently posted a couple of articles about STEEMIT, the future of BLOCKCHAIN, Social Media CryptoCurrencies, and how Dan & Ned have just opened Pandora's Box on Mainstream Media. You may find them interesting to read. Especially the one about Dan & Ned as it fits with your post and you will understand why..!! Following and always looking forward to reading more of your stuff. Cheers. stephen
I would love the links ; )
Give me links and I will read the first 99 words : )
/ hugz ; )
U know u r followed ; right : )
Cheers. Stephen
I UPvoted that many hours ago along with another or two more of those awesome posts today ! ! !
Life suxz and then you die , this means I live and always seem to notice great ideas AFTER someone has invented them : )
Apologies ; just bitter at always being the last one invited to the dance or game ; )
( just kidding , NOT ) ; )
I am working on my own amateurish version of a block chain lol . . .
"I always seem to notice great ideas AFTER someone has invented them" great response. ;) thanks for the upvotes and support. Cheers. Stephen
Just keep doing what your doing ! ! !
Your posts are well posted ; )
See you on the BlockChain : )