The right to an opinion (vote) is a basic right. Because freedom is the ability to choose. However, the error of "democracy" in that everyone has a vote of equal strength.
Consider the 11 doctors. 1 of them very good and 10 being bad doctors. Their challenge is to prescribe a cure. And they vote. The good doctor voted for the cure A. 10 bad doctors vote for cure B.
Will they be able to cure the patient? ;) What's the error of such a system of decision-making?
The mistake is that the right to vote is of equal strength. Why is a drunkard has the same vote power as a person leading a healthy lifestyle? Does the opinion of drunkards to be as useful as the opinion of a person leading a healthy lifestyle?
And if the society will begin to dominate crazy? They create idiotic laws, right?
Why children are not given the same rights as adults? Is it because they can't properly dispose of their freedom and will harm themselves and others? Why would a fool be allowed to do silly things? Is it wise?
Why would the police put the criminals behind bars? It is good or bad for law-abiding citizens? But it's bad from the point of view of democracy that tries to give everyone the right to opinion, right to vote and freedom of expression.
The criminal believes that it is necessary to rob and kill. It is his opinion. And according to democratic doctrine, we must allow him to realize his freedom of opinion. That is, must give him the opportunity to rob and kill. But is it wise?
Is it not foolish to give equal rights, and the fool, and the wise, and the criminal, and the law-abiding man, and the child, and the adult, and the drunkard, and the man who leads a healthy lifestyle?
That's the main folly of the democratic doctrine. Equal rights. But that's impossible. Actually, there is no equal rights in nature. And it turns out that this equal rights is only a nice theory.
People are not equal. Someone smarter, someone stronger, someone talented, someone not. How can we give them equal rights? The right to an opinion is the same as an equal rights, isn't it? But would you give an opportunity to the criminal to realize his opinion?
So, in nature there is no democracy. It simply can not exist. It's a hoax. It's just nice words. In nature, decisions are made by the strongest. The opinion of the strongest is implemented. Where is equal rights in nature? How is this even possible, if there is strong and there are weak? It's impossible.