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RE: TRIGGERED - Eat Monkey Food, Ya Commie

in #politics7 years ago

As for the second retard, no. Yes modern programming WAS pioneered by Grace Hopper aka Amazing Grace. If feminists didnt insist on erasing womens history in favour of a history in which women never were allowed to do anything (and really, i would heavily dispute that women were ever second class citicens. Yes, banks didnt issue women credit cards - becouse women could not be held reponsible for their debts. Any debts they made, their dad or husband was held responsible for. Females of a rival tribe to the hebrews had the choice to either be raped or killed and if they ever had a man in them just killed? Well, guess how the men were treated, and even men of THEIR tribe if they had another man in them... If you erase womens history, thats on you guys.