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RE: The US 'Earn It' Act Pressures For an End To Online Encryption - In the Name of Child Safety! It Looks To Be Just Another Power Grab.

in #politics5 years ago

"Power itself does not corrupt..."


Power corrupts no one. The corrupt seek power, and all power they gain they seek to use to increase their power. The absolutely corrupt seek to gain absolute power.

Lord Acton (IIRC) who originally authored the aphorism 'Absolute power corrupts absolutely' was corrupt, and sought thereby to mislead the naive to gain more power.

The actual truth is that 'The absolutely corrupt seek absolute power.'



Ah, yes - I agree. I wrote a post that even I thought was profound a while ago on STEEM that talked about this and why the belief that 'power corrupts' is one that 'the establishment' would want as many as possible to buy into! What a plot twist!

I'm not sure if you read this post in which John writes:

.... which Lord Acton explained to us with such succinct and memorable brevity: Power corrupts – and Absolute Power corrupts absolutely. This has been true forever, and therefore should be no surprise. But, there is a very pertinent corollary to this truth, which has been unstated, and therefore uninspected; and it has been misshaping the daily lives of humankind for the last 10,000 years – ever since the advent of Civilization with its God-Kings. That corollary is this: Top-down Power Structures create Criminal Leaders.