At the moment of writing the big and famous exchange platform Poloniex is having some troubles "due to high traffic" (thats wat the mods are saying in their chat, the so called "trollbox").
Everything is lagging on the website, it feels like playing an online videogame with a ping of 150+... I just noticed because I wanted to withdraw some BTC from my account, but it is not working... The trollbox is on fire, alot of people are complaining!
I think it is better to let the developers do their work to fix the problems and avoid poloniex for a moment!
Source images: Poloniex and for the fire
More and more people are starting to wake up!
Oh, oh I am hearing more and more stories like this. Cryptos are exploding and servers are getting overloaded. Luckily there are a lot of exchanges to choose from. The moral of the story must surely be: keep your coins on a desktop wallet just in case you need rapid access to your money.
Yes, this is making it really clear to me: never leave coins in an exchange!