I find this very interesting, but I consider myself quite impressionable and therefore I have a certain fear in trying. that is, to try and have a negative experience. that you know, we can compare these mushrooms to ayahuasca (psychedelic infusion based on different Amazonian plants capable of inducing a visionary effect) of South America, used above all in shamanic rituals considered magical and therapeutic?
congratulation for your vote curie and thsnk you to sharehi @krunkypuram
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Thank you for your very nice comment Road2horizon :).
I think that magical/therapeutic/medicinal plants (weed, shrooms, haven't tried Ayahuasca but that too) take one deep into the mind, into the psyche, into the areas of the 'self' that rarely receive attention. Sometimes the 'unknown' is considered 'dark' and therefore 'scary'. I think many people have a 'fear' of going inside their own minds, afraid of what they might find or what might be lurking there. Other people (I was one such) don't go there because they consider their own minds to be such uninteresting places...... I think plants such as these are tools that allow us to explore parts of ourselves (and the Universe at large) which are 'hidden' in normal states of consciousness.
When I returned to shrooms again in 2014 I acknowledged and faced this fear, including that of having a 'bad' trip. I have not had a 'bad' trip since. I have found that 'intention' is crucial - why am I taking shrooms? Is it recreational and casual, or do I wish to take myself seriously and 'discover' what the 'heaviness' is all about (including this very fear that keeps me from looking)?
I hope this helps. Here's a site that has lots of (practical) info: https://www.erowid.org/plants/mushrooms/mushrooms.shtml. For more 'esoteric' info re. shrooms, I suggest watching the videos embedded in the post (they are long, but they will go some way to giving you a picture about Psilocybin that may answer your question).
thank you very much for your information.
indeed my fear is that it works like a drug, and that everything you see is out of reality and not a real search for itself. you say it's not like that?
My friend, I consider the 'normal' state of life to be largely 'out of reality' - for example the way people see 'struggle' and 'hardship' and 'enslavement to the 9-5' as the only conceivable reality/life with no option but to 'fight, flight or freeze'.
Additionally, I think the 'real' search is inside or at least starts there. Our inner space is the only space we can understand FULLY and each of us already has the tools to do this. We can get lost trying to understand the 'outside' and the 'motivations' of others. Yet if we understand ourselves, this understanding can very efficiently be applied to the world at large. We are sovereign in our heads, there is no force in the Universe powerful enough to take us over unless we request it (and even then we always have the possibility of 'taking back our power').
What is reality except as a function of our experience? Everything else is what someone else has said it is - the authorities (govt., parents, teachers etc) say it is this or that but those are narratives which are equally unrepresentative of 'reality' and more suited to personal agendas of power and manipulation, or else strategies to deal with their own pain and others are used for this.
And this 'experience' is subjective is it not? And thus, to me, so is 'reality' - ie it is not a 'label', nor anything 'concrete' and certainly isn't anyone's version of it. I can deny my experience based on the world saying 'it is bullshit', but then I am denying myself, my own reality right?
I personally take it that 'tools' like shrooms can assist in accessing an 'augmented' or 'heightened' sense of 'reality'. Often this 'augmented' view shows how 'false' the daily/mundane/worldly Consensus Reality is - but this is to assist us in stripping away the illusions IMO. One moves away from the easy comfort zone of living a conditioned life in a trance. One begins to see all the 'false' belief systems that one had accepted as true. The old strips away and there is the possibility of 'breathing space'.
Also, pharmaceutical drugs & alcohol are in my opinion, far more dangerous and mislead into states that are 'out of reality' ie distort perception. Shrooms I would say have the opposite potential - ie to assist in aligning perception.
I am a being who accepts the existence of beings in other dimensions and accepts that there is interaction between dimensions and that this is 'normal'.
We are sovereign, no more and no less worthy than any other being or creature in existence, we can give our power away if we choose (that's what conditioning seems to be about), we can take it back again too :)
then ... very difficult. I agree with you on the vision of a reality that is not the one imposed by society. I do not live for the approval of the community or doing what others expect from me. and this is already a great personal success for me.
I don't understand how these experiences can, as you say, move us away from the comfortable comfort zone and show us all the "false" belief systems that one has accepted as true.
and do you really think that through the use of mushrooms we can understand our inner space (it would be magnificent)? and why can't we do it even without them?
I can't say that I understand 'how' this happens either :) ...... I guess I experience it as a kind of contrast in that when I am immersed in belief systems, I do not know that I am, and even if I have cleared various belief systems in the past, there will still be some....right? So the 'contrast' is a kind of 'stepping outside' so that there is that possibility of a view on what was previously hidden. I find that there is a 'larger perspective' made available and this highlights various aspects of 'comfort zone' or 'belief systems' that are out of alignment.
Perhaps it's a bit like walking down a dark alleyway with lots of dog shit (the belief systems we step in coz we don't know they are there) - but with perspective, one discovers where to put one's foot down and where not so as to avoid discomfort and a mess :D.
......and on to the second part:
Mushrooms are tools in my opinion - they don't do the work for me, but they facilitate vision. This vision (understanding of personal space) is entirely possible without shrooms - I'd say that 'evolution' takes place when in 'normal' states the 'higher' visions are integrated into everyday life (which is then in turn 'uplifted').
A meditation practice combined with a resolute intention to 'enquire' (explore) the workings of the inner self *without any external 'tools' is, in my opinion, a very solid way of proceeding. It's just that, for me, tripping has provided a lot of insight into this process.
For me 'healing' (understanding myself at a very deep level) is not dramatic as such but matter-of-fact, ongoing and evolutionary - as well as revolutionary :)