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RE: Psychology Addict # 33 | Visits from Lost Loved Ones & Out-of-Body Experiences

in #psychology7 years ago

Abby, nice writeup. But do you believe in supernatural? I did experience such when I was younger, when I lost my mum..I was afraid to sleep in the room close to hers because I kept seeing her at night. It was frightening. I had to pray to God to help me. In some cases, I bet you ghost exist. It's spiritual as some people have given abilities to see them. I have seen them. This drives me to where I will say spiritual beings do exist as humans do. The world is existing in two. The physical and the spiritual. But it arrives to the point where the spiritual takes more control of the physical without the knowledge of human. It's broad explanation can be indepth than we think. However experiences has taught me they exist.


It would be great to read what you have to say about this topic @wisdomdavid. And, perhaps that would guide me to the correct answer to this question 😌

But do you believe in supernatural?

have a wonderful evening Popsy! :*

definitely abby, popsy sees everything from the spiritual aspect. Thank you abby and do have a wonderful weekend😍