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RE: Launching My New Steemit Project! Quinn's Quality Content Curation ~(~Q2C2~)~

in #q2c28 years ago

Hey @quinneaker, great article and really cool idea! I find myself doing the exact same thing as you, I scroll through my feed and open articles I really want to read in new tabs. I always have like 20 tabs open hahaha. I probably follow most of the stuff you will post anyhow but I will look forward to your daily roundups! It's been so encouraging to see you being active on here again, and at about the same time I did too. I always appreciated your comments and encouragement :) Keep up the good work man!


Hey DK!
Great to connect with you again!
I am super stoked to be back on Steemit even with the price of Steam plunging. I really love this community and have done a lot to help it succeed but want to do more.
I really appreciate your comment and support. I hope you enjoy my daily doses and I hope to get more of your feedback!