I was reading so many great post recently and I must say I love even more the idea of Steemit, Rome wasn't build over night, so people who are interested in creating influence and value on Steemit should relax and breath. Sit and close your eyes and repeat to yourself, that you are enough and beautiful the way you are, you matter, and your worth is not determined by your Steem. Focus on what you love, do this with passion and love, persistence is one of the most beautiful however undervalued and forgotten tools. Maybe it is time for personal development on advanced level as ASAP. Patience is so important. Everything need time, take Steemit as an opportunity which need to be looked after as a flower, you need to water, make sure you put in the right place with enough sun to grow, etc... Love the process, everyone who are in Steemit they are part of something unique and make the most out of it. Have fun, and please don't forget to breath and enjoy the process. This is all about making sure you have fun, it is not all about money and steem :)
Margo XXX
I upvoted You
And surely stay positive!
4 SURE :)
Thank you :)