Proud and blessed father.
Background and Interest
SAS Consultant by day, and recently a Block Chain enthusiasts by night and weekends.
Fascinated by Big Data, Architecture, and Administration has provided a satisfying career but…
New Found Fascination
Now I find myself fascinated with the block chain technology, and regrettably admit I’m a bit late to the game. Oh course like many of my geeky brethren when Bitcoin appeared, I felt the risk of mining outweighed the reward. I knew the technology was promising, but thought it too clunky for mass consumption and quite frankly worried about the appearance of association and the impact of quantum computing on much of the future cryptography.
I wish I could recall how I learned about Ethereum, but it was quite the epiphany. Particularly the concept of a widely distributed computer, and the ability to create applications that run on a distributed infrastructure with a pay as you go cost structure.
From Ethereum to SteemIt
From the discovery of Ethereum, I have now found I hope to have a fascinating time enjoying the shared knowledge and opinions on that will now become a part of my life, the result of the rediscover of the block chain technology and its many advances.
Other Interests
Besides technology, I enjoy wood working, soccer, water and winter sports, and almost any DIY activity.
Anxious To Learn and Share
I hope I will be able to contribute some to the community, as I am sure that I will learn and benefit greatly from the SteemIT community.