
I don't know where you get your ideas from but your articles are great!

thanks, I use these resources daily.

magnetic resonance truly is a modern wonder that saves 1000 lives by the minute. Thank you for sharing the comprehensive explanation. Followed!

Looks very interesting, but no time read all, because I'm at work. I will read it when I'm back home. 100% upvoted from @chanthasam

Nice course


congratulations for what?

It is useful information. Thank you for sharing.

I went through a lot of these videos to supplement my understanding of this stuff. I agree that it's one of the best resources out there right now. Learning MRI kind of reminds me of learning kung fu. There are lots of great teachers, but its not really part of the culture to make a really good video series like this. The books are a little esoteric unless you have a good foundation already.

This is also a good tool if you're interested in learning more!