First, this type of story appeals to many because it fits a narrative. The 20th Century was amazing for all the technology it brought to market. We have become so accustomed to it that we literally expect science to produce technology like this.
I, however, have a healthy respect for the difficulties in bringing scientific discoveries like this to industrial scale production. How many inventions like this haven't made it to market? Many, many more than have actually become practical.
Many will blame these failures on a competitor. In today's culture, it is easy to believe that oil corporations are already cooking up a plan to prevent this from reaching the consumer. Do your best to avoid this line of thinking. In all likelihood, this will run into technical difficulties that will either make it unprofitable or too expensive to produce. That's it. No conspiracy required.
Second reason this appeals to many, is it fits an established belief that science can provide something for nothing. In this example, electricity out of thin air. It is very wrong to think anything can eliminate cause and effect. There is always work required to produce something of value. The engineers in this article have a ton of work to transfer this cute laboratory science fair project into something that can produce millions of units a day with consistency and near zero flaws.
I recall a conversation I had with someone in college. I was aghast that she didn't have the faintest interest in learning anything about science. She was upset that she had to take at least one science class for her humanities degree. She summed up her attitude, and that of many people out there, "I don't need to know science. Besides, when it becomes important, someone will invent a button I can push."
Third point is that Ayn Rand used this technology as a side plot in her novel Atlas Shrugged. In it, her protagonist, John Galt, invents an electric motor that draws power from the static electricity in the air.
Who needs to read Atlas Shrugged when you can live it.