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RE: Witness Updates

in #shadowbot6 years ago

We are now looking to get back to full functionality and will ensure everyone who is owed a rank upgrade gets it!

Awesome stuff. 👍
Kinda obvious that I really want those rank upgrades. 😅
Just keep us informed when it will happen and how many ranks which user gained through which bonus post, so we get full transparency.
Maybe even over the span of five posts (A result post for each bonus contest) so that shadowbot can get some upvotes from the pool for that in return. 😃

(After you have dealt with the HF20 and those 900 other things of course. 😉)


UGH HF20 has been a trainwreck that hit a cruise ship that smashed into an aircraft carrier that then somehow got picked up by a tornado and slammed into half a city... We will be rolling out everything ASAP!

Damn, now I want to see THAT movie. 😂

Sharknado?? With Mark Cuban as POTUS???

And The Rock as the Hero in those hard times. 😉