TARGET FOR SILVER $700.00oz (2021).
"The year over year increase in the M2 money supply divided by the yearly production of SILVER in ounces."
The Current DOLLAR to SILVER Ratio is $946.22oz..!!
Extracts taken from US Debt Clock.
Extract 1
Extract 2
Credit USD Debt Clock
Silver is a compelling Investment and at <$20oz represents a once in a lifetime golden opportunity..!!
SILVER is set to make more millionaires than any other Asset Class in the coming weeks, months, years..!!
Target firmly set at $700.00oz by 2021..!!
Thanks for reading and please feel free to share.
Up-Voted & Restreemed
Thanks I really appreciate it. Following. Stephen
Upvoted & Restreemed!!
Thanks I appreciate it. Now following. Stephen
Upvoted. How do you feel about other commodities, i.e. platinum, gold? Would love to learn a bit more about the M2 money supply, only vaguely familiar with it.
Thanks I appreciate it. Most commodities are cheap at the moment. SILVER is the cheapest. M2 Money Supply is easy to explain as a comparison to shares issued in a company. When the company issues more shares say to raise capital the origial shares are diluted. The Market Cap may remain the same but each share effectively is worth less in value terms. This is the same with the $USD. Effectively what they are doing is issuing more currency that is backed by the same asset. The problem the fed has done is issue more dollars but at the same time using Silver Derivatives send the price down in the total opposite direction..!! SILVER could effectively trade at $900oz and I would not be phased in the slightest. Why? Because the US still has to find $330 trillion of to pay for the future unfunded liabilities..!! Where's this going to come from? Nobody ever wants to talk about it, but I see it as massive problem. Our $700oz SILVER is actually conservative the REAL number is much much much higher..!! Stephen