I often digress from the main topic. From gold and silver. So I'll return to it today. I simply bought a coin and I'm showing it.
A very ordinary one-ounce two-pounder from the "Myths and Legends" series.
I started stacking new coins in November 2022. Robin Hood and Pandas are about the only series I've bought anything older from. Otherwise I only have coins from 2022, 2023 and 2024.
My blue mat isn't good enough for Myths and Legends anymore. I had to use a bigger one. I hope that soon the floor of my apartment won't be enough for gold and silver coins. But that's probably in the distant future.
Will I ever see another king or queen on British coins again? I wish no one ill, not even the King of England.
There are about 200 internationally recognised countries on the planet that have the official right to issue coins. Including collector coins.
How many themes do these 200 countries offer? Endemic animals, plants, their famous personalities, the beauty of nature, cultural monuments, works of art... Some countries really do mint such coins. As their state promotion. Or as a source of profit. These countries charge high premiums on top of the price of the metal.
There are also countries that don't mint their coins, but let anyone who pays them a fee to mint coins with their name on them at their discretion.
These coins resemble medals rather than coins. However, they are made of precious metal. That's why people collect them. If they were stamps, they'd be worthless. The Emirates and some Latin American countries used these stamps to boost their budgets in past.
These coins resemble medals rather than coins. However, they are made of precious metal. That's why people collect them. If they were stamps, they'd be worthless. The Emirates and some Latin American countries used these stamps to boost their budgets in past.
Thank you for reading, thank you for any support.
Prosté doplnění mé sbírky
Často odbočuji od hlavního tématu. Od zlata a stříbra. Proto se k němu dnes vrátím. Prostě jsem si koupil minci a ukazuji ji. Dnes jen velmi obyčejná jednouncová dvoulibrovka ze série Mýty a legendy.
Se stackováním nových mincí jsem začal v listopadu 2022. Robin Hood a Pandy jsou asi jediné série, od kterých jsem si koupil něco staršího. Jinak mám jen mince z let 2022, 2023 a 2024.
Moje modrá podložka už na "Mýty a legendy" nestačí. Musel jsem použít větší. Doufám, že brzy mi na zlaté a stříbrné mince nebude stačit ani podlaha mého bytu. Ale to je asi vzdálená budoucnost.
Uvidím ještě někdy na britských mincích jinéhokrále nebo královnu? Nepřeji nikomu nic zlého, ani anglickému králi.
Na světě existuje přibližně 200 mezinárodně uznávaných zemí, které mají oficiální právo vydávat mince. Včetně sběratelských mincí.
Kolik témat nabízí těchto 200 zemí? Endemická zvířata, rostliny, jejich slavné osobnosti, krásy přírody, kulturní památky, umělecká díla... Některé země takové mince skutečně razí. Jako svou státní propagaci. Nebo jako zdroj zisku. Tyto země si k ceně kovu účtují vysoké prémie.
Existují také země, které své mince nerazí, ale nechávají kohokoli, kdo jim zaplatí poplatek, razit mince s jejich jménem podle svého uvážení.
Děkuji za přečtení, děkuji za jakoukoli podporu.
Amazing design on this one !DOOK !LOL !ALIVE !PIMP !hiqvote
You must be killin' it out here!
@bitcoinman just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @trautenberk.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/3 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
It was clear from the gecko.
Credit: reddit
@trautenberk, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of bitcoinman
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I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @trautenberk.
You received an upvote of 90% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!
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Thank you!
Nice addition to the collection! That is a really cool series, I wish they would use some other design on the obverse. The monarch pictures is just old fashioned, kind of like the presidents on US coins. They should make them beautiful works of art rather than put the same old people on the coins over and over....
It would be possible to put monarchs in there as babies. But tradition is tradition.
In most republics today it is customary to place the national emblem on the coin.
I liked the US coinage when they all featured Liberty, long gone are those days...
Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis. (Times change and we change with them. We may disagree, but that's about all we can do about it.)
Nice cheap pickup on the DUO. Some of the people who win it in our giveaways just sell it, and you benefit!
Every judge knows bananas splits.
Credit: reddit
@trautenberk, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of thebighigg
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Too bad I only bought two pieces.
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A fine design, I have yet to see this available from my retailers which they may be holding back from ordering due to the recent slow down of overall bullion sales here in Canada.
I think you have more choice of coins to buy. But sometimes we have something that you don't have.
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I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @kraki.