People have become too self centered in my opinion focusing mostly on posting on a regular basis and getting their auto votes rewards. It matters a lot the people you follow and the ones following you but overall interaction is very poor nowadays. Many have quit the platform and for now we can't compare it with Facebook. Here the trybes are mostly created with people that haven't ever met and it's not the same situation as with Facebook where you have your family and friends seeing your posts. It's the auto votes that I blame for such superficial interaction. If everyone would have to manually curate every say to get their curator rewards then they would probably read more and interact more. I hope things will change for the future.
Interesting analysis. What's your long term perspective on the platform?
Why would you say that most have quit the platform?
What would it take to get rid of the bots/auto-votes?
I don't have one. I have a long term hope though.
Mostly due to the price continuous fall and lack of success with their blog. Sometimes you can appreciate having lots of comments to your posts but almost no rewards but you can't have that forever. It is a rewards based "social media thing" though. Especially when you see/have seen that much circle jerking and boosted posts and so on.
Bid bots problem already solved. You can't buy upvotes from them anymore. At least the ones that I am aware of. Auto votes, I don't know but I would take this feature out asap, if you wanna have a "live platform" and encourage as many people as possible to be active and why not even invest in Steem from their own money.