I challenged him to explain why would anybody invest or buy into the system or power up the rewards earned and he had nothing to say. He asserted without sound logic more or less that people invest to encourage authors to create quality content. You also avoid right here the fact that you removed any sensible reasons as to why it's proposed and act as if the proposal is one sided only so that it encourages profiteering as if it's so hard to imagine that increasing the incentive to curate would make more people curate. Here, I'll break down the nonsense he submitted:
No, the incentive to self vote isn't why or what is causing the poor retention rate, it's the fact that downvoting self voters is looked down on with vociferous community members such as yourself @kernl seemingly always seeing flagging / downvoting just as you see the proposal, as without any redemptive qualities and wholy Abusive. You see, there is incentive to self vote only when downvoting isn't incentivized. The nonsense he espoused continues though, as he similarly diminished any redemptive qualities of giving curation it's own reward as if you can reason that self voting is curation or that someone who self votes is also curating. Nonsensical.
The rampant profiteering? Yeah those awful landlords who take advantage of the disenfranchised authors. Complete baloney. No, there's no "rampant profiteering", and self voting and vote buying only exists because there are numerous people who see flagging as some kind of Abusive act. eg : they stole my rewards. The same nonsense is with phasing the proposal as Only to "profiteer". Hogwash, if you don't want to have a sensible discussion then great, I can always make fun and mock the nonsense: o noooo they're taking my reeeewards, but if you want to have a discussion then give a well reasoned argument, and what either you or him have done is only make nonsensical assertions and diminished things to NONSENSE.
"rentieers want to make it worse"
Good one, sure as shit explains everything succinctly.
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