First, compliment sandwich: I think trying is better than not trying.
The vast majority of what's going on with steem promotion on Twitter is unattractive to the average Twitter user.
Firstly, most of the posts are generically about steem, which is both something folks are and should be skeptical of. Not many people are making money from this thing.
Slightly better, but still problematic are the ones that say we have the BEST community. There's lots of communities out there in the internet. It doesn't make us special, though I'm glad they're here.
All the posts are ABOUT steem rather than about cool things that just happen to be on Steem.
To that end, I think the push-up challenge is good.
Folks are wary of being advertised AT, and that's what the #steem posts seem to be.
That's what I'm trying to do on Twitter when I participate I'm this promotion. It shouldn't feel like I'm trying to get you to do something. folks will I hope be interested in my Punday contest Bec that's a thing they want to do. I do wish I could point them to an easy sign up for the contest.
I think our posts shouldn't be about how Steem is cool (and really, we're not going to benefit nearly as much as the whales), but rather just talk about the things we're doing (that folks might need a steem account for.)
Talk about the daily freewrite. If folks want to sign up and join in, we should have an easy onboarding, too.
Communities are what make us great, but not just the idea of them, the actual things that are happening.