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RE: The many faces and future places of Steem

in #steem6 years ago

This is such a good opportunity for new and young creative content creators to not have to stand out in an ocean of talent. It's going to take some getting use to for sure, but that's part of the fun, getting lost and discovering new worlds to explore.

I use to keep a back log of ideas and half written bits and stories... maybe it still exists somewhere around here. No matter, I can create more: bigger, stronger and with less spelling errors.


There is heaps of opportunity for those willing to pick up the ball and run with it and get established in a yet to establish industry.

I have leerned spelling errors are acceptable unless @abh12345 reads the post.

Which he has done here, but has nothing more than 'Excellent read' in a lead comment so far.

Hopefully there are a good number of community members who take a look and have similar thinking on what lies ahead. Our land of opportunity :)

I appreciate the corrections tbh, proves you read it ;D

I think most users are either scared of what is coming, or blind to what is coming - there might be some that are looking long and see the greater potential though. As long as those some are the right some, it is all good in the hood.

I will continue bugging you then :)

17 years to go, as long as I'm here then all will be well.

just increase the numbers to 10 million now and 5 years will be enough.