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RE: Steem Needs Investors, We Need Higher Curation Rewards and Vote Selling to Attract Them!

in #steem6 years ago

When HF20 was announced it sounded great. Instant accounts, no waiting, people would flock.

The reality was that the biggest stake holders could create the instant accounts but the ones created by STEEM Inc were still subject to the long wait.

People don’t want to wait today, it must be instant or it’s no good.

Yes we can create these instant accounts but then they have zero RC’s. It was all a big fuckup, and so we now have to ‘bribe’ people on with loans of SP for a while.

Otherwise they have to pay. Pay? People don’t want to pay.., and if that’s the choice they don’t bother.

All this does little to promote the blogging aspect of STEEM.


Yes, no wait, but also not willing to pay to not wait. And even the waiting doesn't guarantee an account... as many ppl dont get accounts from Steemit by registering.

as many ppl dont get accounts from Steemit by registering.

Are you sure about this, and are they really manually vetted?

I would think that an account named @nomadeurope would have a better chance than one named @bot56 on application.

I have faith in STEEM as you can see by my stake, but things go at snails pace, which is frustrating.