in #steem9 years ago (edited)

I found out about Steemit about 10 days ago and after about 5 minutes of browsing around I thought, "Oh this is Reddit, just on steroids from 2056..."

Image of Yaktocat

But I was in for a rude awakening. Bloggers.........bloggers everywhere. I've never written....wait is it written or wrote? This is why I've never uhhh...TYPED a blog before. See, thats the problem right there. I feel like I'm not proper enough to type a blog. I read around on Steemit at some of the more popular blogs and everyone sounds like they have sticks up their butts.


I can read fine but I don't like to. I love watching. Youtube is my school and my textbook. In school I was always good at punctuation but over the years and billions of sext sent out over span of 15 years, I kinda said, "Whats the point". Y'all really dont get it. I hate writing. When I was in school I would never finish a paper. I mean the short ones too. Like the 1 pagers? Never. If it was supposed to be 1 page. I called 4/6ths done. If it was front and back. I just put my head down until next period. See how I type? I use periods for commas. I bet that's bothering you huh, blogger. 97.456% of my teachers said I would never amount to anything and they said I would be dead by 26. I just had my 27th birthday last month. Jokes on YOU, Ms. Jordan! But anyway, back to this Steemit blogging issue I have. I mean, I really don't like to write. I think I'm going to quit Steemit because there is no way I can type a blog with enough value to even consider posting it and recieving and upvote from a Steem whale. Hold on I think this is a run on paragraph. Are those things. Like, is that a possible failure?

There we go. Line break. Makes the blog post look nice and clean for the reader.

Oh look, another. Now it looks like i just started a new topic. I feel like im so important typing like this with both of my hands. I need some glasses. And a desk. Oh, and one of those lights that sit on the desk that make your desk look cool and important. Above the desk I need to put some sticky notes on the wall with blog ideas. Then my girlfriend will come into my office and say, "Hows the blog coming babe?". I'll reply, "Good. This one is on the crypto crono stream of funds of the dark web of pillows with toe nails. Almost done."

insertion of line break

Man these line breaks really make your blog look important. And longer. I remember in middle school when I had to write a page i would line break like 4 lines down the paper and line break every 2 sentences. It really helps.

I just scrolled down to look at the preview of this post and...it feels like I've typed a lot more than that. This is a rip off. Where did all those words I typed go?!?!? I've been doing this for 10 minutes! I know I typed more than this! Hold on, let me go get some cheetos. My girlfriend just asked me what I was doing. I told her writing a blog. She burst out laughing. Even she knows my truth. But its ok. I'll show her I AM a blogger you know how I know I'm a blogger?


  • Trevon James

Well Trevon, you're doing just fine... for someone that doesn't like writing you do pretty well! See... i'm no punctuation expert either, and i put ellipses erewhere... (the three dots ya know?) I'm told it's a sign of indecision. Yo, some people really do talk like that! But if it bothers you then just write how you talk. There's no real orthodox english language, hip-hop already proved that. And if you like videos, post them here. Make some cool videos with your phone... steemit will evolve beyond articles about how to write the perfect blog on steemit, i promise you! ;) Thanks for the run ons, and line breaks. Here's some Reggie Watts to prove everything i say about everything:

Thanks! Reggie watts is the man! That special was dope!

Reggie Watts is my role model... ;)

Thumbs up man. Funny, and very well written.

Looks like you may end up doing more blogging then vlogging in the future here, I enjoy your videos man and you seem decent to me so I wish you all the best here.

Rock on. this is the future of social media

steem is a social network - do you have to be a blogger to use it? well... if you can send a tweet you're most likely good to go :)

hahahahaha I've got to follow you man @trevonjb , Post your videos or whatever you like and I'll read, watch and listen to them. Do mention me if you'd like. Mostly, Bloggers are dominating the platform now. I hope this will change in the future.

that's what i LOVE about this site. The community is small, but because it is small right now we have intriguing posts like this one instead of junk across reddit, (i love reddit but there is FUD) youtube comments (lol needs no explanation).

Well put Trevon...damn you may be better a blogging then you think!

Haha, "CAUSE I JUST TYPED ONE, BITCHES!!!". That's the best sentence I've read during my whole day. Thank you for this hilarious BLOG POST! :)

I look forward to more of your hilarious content. I bet you have even more!

Well done...

I've been watching you on youtube for the last 3 months now and to see your journey especially now into steemit is absolutely crazy! Love the honesty with your blogging man. Keep doing you!