"And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel."(Mark 1:15)
Question from the Bible, How do we forgive someone who has done us wrong in the past? [Part 2 of 2]
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I thought brother Eli's answer was rather poor. He stated that to learn how to forgive, one must understand that God's response would be to forgive us. In other words, we don't do the forgiving because it is the correct thing to do, but because it will benefit us. This is a selfish way to look at things.
I believe a better answer to the question would be to try to understand WHY the other person may have done you wrong. By understanding the other person's motive, it is much easier to become empathetic to that person and that empathy will allow you to forgive them. Empathy is far more powerful than selfishness and makes forgiving that much easier.
One must remember that we are all God's children and He/She loves us all the same. God wants us to get along and to learn. By learning empathy, we are growing spiritually. There are many things that are not black and white. We need to learn to seek out the grey and discover the many truths that are not immediately evident.
Although what the person may have done to us might not be just nor ethical, if we can see their perspective, we might understand why they may have chosen the path they took. It might be the wrong path to take, but nevertheless, they may have believed justified in taking it. As brother Eli said, we all make mistakes and sin. Most of the time, we don't sin deliberately, but do it because we feel justified to do so or feel like we have no other choice. When we understand the reasoning, we can forgive the person for making poor choices, even when we don't condone the act itself.
Thank you for always sharing your time. May God bless you for studying God's words.
Forgiveness is very broad topic to discussed I must say. Happy to see your comment again. Thank God
You are very kind. I was telling a friend of mine that you will either begin to hate my comments or actually learn something. Nobody knows everything and we can all learn something from others. I'm always picking up little bits of knowledge as I discuss things. Hopefully this will be a 2-way sharing of information.
I agree to you, I am always to ready to learn something everyday. Sharing your time with us is something we do not take for granted, we appreciate you for that because we know not everyone has time with this matter. May God bless you more