I AM MY WORST ENEMY!! Give yourself some credit!!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Do you find yourself always striving for more and never acknowledging your SUCCESS? I do! I'm guilty 200% !

Something I'm slowly learning is to start giving myself more credit for my accomplishments! Being my own cheerleader is something I do and don't do!

For many years, I never even hung up my college degrees! Oftentimes, I felt like they were "Just a piece of paper." I felt like my degrees were a waste of my time and I was robbed of fun, adventure and just the ability to live life! I was the first one in my family to obtain a MASTERS DEGREE! Yet, I was not and STILL NOT making the income to match! My husband finally took it upon himself to put my degrees on the wall two years ago when we moved into our current apartment. He was PROUD of his wife and her accomplishments!

Why did I feel the way that I did? I felt some kind of way because here I was with these degrees, these MASSIVE Student Loans with debt like I had a PHD and I couldn't do anything with them! NEWS ALERT: I NEVER WANTED NOR INTENDED TO GO TO COLLEGE! YES!! YOU READ THAT RIGHT!! One day soon..I will share my full testimony..stay tuned..I didn't have the dream job that I loved going to daily! I didn't have that dream job paying me big bucks! I didn't have money to take fabulous vacations every year! I didn't have massive investments and a bangin' bank account! I was still STRUGGLING!

Today, I am proud to look at my three degrees on the wall. (AA in Liberal Arts, BA in Human Resources Management, MBA in Healthcare Management )I'm not where I want to be but I am on my way! I am on a mission for TIME FREEDOM and MONEY FREEDOM! I work hard and I'm trying my best daily to work on PLAYING HARD! My goal is to really work harder on BALANCE! That is something that I have lacked in my life for many years. The sad part is that was my norm and I never realized how hard I was working myself. My best friend from NC has stayed on my tail to ensure Balance became part of my life! I am truly grateful because I am much happier with BALANCE!

Enjoy Life! Embrace the Journey! Pat yourself on the back! Treat yourself like the KING and QUEEN's that YOU ARE!

Tell yourself, Good JOB! SMILE! BE PROUD!

~Rise Up~Give Yourself Some Credit!


P.S. I hope you like the photos. The date stamp was wrong when the photos were taken lol. Photos were from May 2012 when I got my Master's Degree.

