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RE: How To Be Ridiculous - Reloaded

in #steemit7 years ago

This is really important advice. Don't be afraid to be ridiculous. Shame and fear are meant to help you, to steer you in the right direction, not freeze you up and prevent you from achieving your goals. Never let shame or fear control your future. Don't ignore them either, but don't accept their rule over your mind. Fight them as they fight you so you end up somewhere in the middle and not on either of the two extremes, because the center somewhere between ridiculousness and properness, between cowering in fear and running straight into your doom like a lemming, is where you'll find progress and as long as you make progress, no matter how little, there is nothing to be ashamed about, but a lot to be proud of. The people who laugh about you today are the people who envy you tomorrow.


The people who laugh about you today are the people who envy you tomorrow.

I would have used the word "admire" instead of "envy", but I get your point :)