Dear Diary: I Wish That All Restaurants Would Do This Deed

in #steemit6 years ago

A lot of Supermarkets throws away foods that are still good to eat like canned goods and produce items that are for example only "bruised" but supermarkets throws them away for some reasons pertaining to the standards.

Some fast food joints throws food and destroying them by putting chlorine bleach to the surplus foods so that the employees and other people cannot be able to eat it. My brother worked in a major fast food branch in the city and he witnessed that and told us that it is done so that the employees would be forced to minimize food surplusses and that they would be discouraged to produce surplus foods if they intend to take it later for themselves.

I just wished that all restaurants will donate their surplus foods because there are many hungry people out there that are willing to take these food items so that it can alleviate hunger. One thing that this system would solve is that it minimize petty theft for some people so that they would not steal anymore for the reason that they will get free food.


Great initiative, it is painful to see losing food so good for what they do.

Resulta muy dificil de apreciar cuando en Supermercados, Hoteles y Restaurantes son capaces de arrojar la Comida a la basura en vez de donarla a personas que en verdad la necesiten @cryptopie

It would be a good initiative to alleviate hunger for those most in need, especially those who are in hospitals and homes for the destitute. Receive my affections @cryptopíe

It hurts the video is in English, but apparently this is an extraordinary work and worthy of being followed.

Only those who have experienced a difficult situation know the value of food, and only those who know God have sensitivity for their brother and for their needs. Hopefully more join this cause.

very lousy food still decent to eat but discarded, I agree with you @cryptopie

very nice post.

Excelente post, amigo, @cryptopie, invita a una reflexión.