Service: Drag-and-Drop Image Hosting A free, easy-to-use, integrated image hosting service will be deployed transparently alongside, permitting anyone posting via to drag-and-drop any image on their computer into any post or comment. "
"This feature is mostly complete, and will be available in Q2. Service: Blockchain Data Microservices While we periodically update the site with minor developer-friendly machine-readable data features, we will also be providing stable and reliable service endpoints to deliver various blockchain and blockchain-derived data via standard HTTPS. Target: Q1, with additional services published periodically thereafter. Feature: Comment Moderation For Post Authors Authors are the source of the content that drives the site and the platform, generating the attention that provides the ultimate value to the Steem Economy. We believe that post authors should be able to decide which comments are displayed on the site below the content that they produce, and we will be allowing post authors to indicate which comments they would like hidden. This will be published as advisory moderation data into the Steem Blockchain, and will respect this data and decline to display such moderated comments. Of course, all data, including original comments and moderation instructions will be published permanently in the blockchain for review by those curious. This allows both censorship resistance for unpopular or fringe ideas, as well as a copacetic reading experience for more mainstream members of a particular author’s audience.
thanks for posting the info.